Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Once Upon

a crueller Time, a dark-visaged King stole a Realm. Its verdant Meadows and rich Riverlands ringed by a Fortress of crenellated Mountains proved too tempting to his avaricious Heart, and he swore to own her and claim her forever. With the Help of greedy Hearts and sharp Swords, he subjugated this beautiful Kingdom, murdering the royal Family, down to the last Child, a pretty haired Princess.

But she he saved, marrying her to cement some Legitimacy to his Usurpation. With the crimson Life of her Parents and Brothers still wet on the cobbled stone of the Courtyard, her maiden's Blood reddened his Sheets, and his Evil thus reinforced three Times, through Theft, Murder and Rape, the dark Stain upon him was made Irrevocable.

And thus was a sweet Child of royal Lineage bound in Wedlock to a cruel King. In such Times, truly she had no Choice. She became the cruel Queen.